Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Journeying with my mother

This trip is so much about our shared yesterdays. When my brother and his family came down to see Mum, we began to talk about where we used to live. At College I went on a field trip to Beerwah Reforestation settlement where all of us fresh young teachers were presented with a Slash Pine to plant somewhere thoughtfully. The ranger said I assured my mother that it would grow about 10 to 15 feet. Mum being an avid gardener just had to have it in the back yard. Well anyone who knows about pine trees knows that they hardly constrain themselves to a mere 10 t0 15 ft. Obviously the species had never experienced anything like the gentle care my Mother lavished on her plants. Suffice it to say that the tree was at least 40 feet tall and looking lush and gorgeous growing each year by the time she left the place 10 years later. I went back last week and now it's gone. "15 feet did you say?" asked my Mum at every opportunity. Another bone of contention between Mum and I was my assertion that the distance to our local bus stop was just a hope skip and a jump and that the road to it was just a "Slight incline". "Slight incline! My foot" said Mum 'It's a hill". Last week when I went back that slight incline was transformed before my very much older eyes to a very long and steep hill. Such is the exuberance of all conquering youth! We laughed and laughed.

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