Sunday, July 25, 2010

Journeying with my Mother

My Mum looked no better today but is eating cherries and strawberries and that great Greek yogurt that tastes so good it must be very bad for you. Cherries of course are out of season and cost $14.00 a kilo but it matters not. She is the shrinking woman having lost 5 kilos in just over a month. How I long to see her at my place tucking in to bacon and eggs with relish! I spoke to the carer for a long time and they are all of the same mind that she is not the woman she was yet she takes herself to the toilet even though she has been told not to. What can you say? I can understand how we cling to that last bastion - the dignity left to us. She was lucid today and remembered all her visitors on Saturday- a good sign. We were laughing again about Nellie, one of the residents who was desperate to spend time with Audrey, saw her crawling around and invited herself in wanting to nurse her. Old people and babies - so simpatico.

Roger had a traffic incident on Friday tackling a council bus as he pulled out of the bottle shop. He feels very follish about this but I guess he had an excuse. The sun was in his eyes and his mind on my Mum's health. I was grateful it wasn't me. He hadn't had a drink thank goodness. So our cute Colt which is really too young to leave it's mother has gone on a week's holiday. Major inconvenience! Oh how we so easily become accustomed to having our own vehicle to convey us from one place to another. I shall have to work my visitations to Mum around three people's plans in our house. C'est the vie!

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